Кламер БГ - Новини: Where Did Biser Milanov AKA The Stain Come From and Is He the Leader of the Retribution Squad on the Yellow Pavement in Downtown Sofia?

Where Did Biser Milanov AKA The Stain Come From and Is He the Leader of the Retribution Squad on the Yellow Pavement in Downtown Sofia?


Четв, 23 Ян 2014г. 07:55ч.
Where Did Biser Milanov AKA The Stain Come From and Is He the Leader of the Retribution Squad on the Yellow Pavement in Downtown Sofia?


Yordan Bonev and Biser Milanov The Stain, photo Btvnews.bg

Biser Milanov "The Stain," who is charged with threatening to kill a TV reporter and who only months ago was a privileged interlocutor of Prime Minister Oresharski, has a long rap sheet. His ties with the underworld should not be underestimated, although until less than a year almost nobody had heard of him.

In one of his interviews "The Stain" claimed that in the 90s he has owned a private security firm "Scorpio -13," and its activity was focused on preventing intrusion of outside groups in the region and on providing security to its customers.

But the truth is different. Biser Milanov was never the owner of such company, according to business registries. The State Gazette shows that the owner of the company is Plamen Nikolov Dimitrov, who, by the way, is not very well known in his hometown of Russe.

Biser Milanov has been arrested for theft, but got away with probation. This happened in the distant 1986. A year later, “The Stain” was detained for car theft and received an effective sentence of six months. In 1988, he escaped from prison and received a third sentence - four years and three months in jail.

So, the newly hatched "politician" was already a repeat offender when he was only 20 years of age. In 2004, he was sentenced again, this time for resisting authorities. He got two years behind bars. A new two-year sentence followed for causing aggravated bodily harm in 2007.

In 2010, he was sentenced to six-month probation for DUI

... and The Chicago

The chief mate of The Stain is convicted drug trafficker Ventzislav Angelov AKA The Chicago. His son Yordan Bonev is the leader of the Association National Movement "Freedom," registered in April 2013.

The Chicago, like his mate Biser Milanov, is a longtime repeat offender, but of much larger scale. He is a former policeman (militia man) in the 80s, whose atrocities in the town of Dulovo during the "revival process" (the action of the Communist regime to forcefully change the names of Bulgarian Muslims with Christian ones – editor’s note) are still remembered by local Muslims.

With the fall of Communism, the small militia pay and newfound opportunities convinced Ventzislav Angelov to leave the system. Initially, he engaged with cigarette smuggling, eventually with fuel and finally - with drugs smuggling, probably benefiting from contacts with his relatives living in Chicago.

Angelov manifested himself in Bulgaria with four sentences - for hooliganism back in 1997; for large-scale smuggling in 2003 and tax crimes in 2005 and 2006.

His business with tax crimes seems to be still functioning because, according to data from local press, he owes more than 300000 levs to the Treasury.

In 2008, he and his nephew Anatoly Damyanov were arrested in Cyprus with 482 grams of heroin. After four years in custody and a five-year sentence, The Chicago returned to Bulgaria in 2011, but apparently wasted no time and continued with drug trafficking, and even raised the ante.

On August 21, 2011, after several-months-long law enforcement operation, Bulgarian national P.A., 45, was arrested at the Spanish international airport "Barajas," carrying in his suitcases 5.4 kg of cocaine.

In follow-up arrests, the detainees included the boss of the gang, The Chicago, and his nephew Anatoly Damyanov, 27. Pre-trial proceedings against an organized criminal group for drug trafficking were launched, but the two were released on bail pending the investigation, which has not been completed to date.

For 17 years now, the ex- policeman and subsequently traffic cop, is involved in private business and manages the company “Kuwait Bulgarian International" with four Kuwaiti partners, for whom there is no evidence of criminal doings, at least in Bulgaria, but there is also no data of them performing any effective activity.

“The Stain,” the more famous of the two newly hatched “politicians" and associate in political party "Freedom," together with the son of The Chicago, also has a long criminal record, but he is at a far lower level in the hierarchy, which suggests that he is not the main driving force in this "political” group. Moreover, the son of Ventzislav Angelov, as leader of the newly formed movement, is the one to represent him before all institutions.

Although best known for his aggressive acts and his active presence in the press, it is unlikely that namely Biser Milanov “The Stain” is the main driving figure in movement "Freedom." It looks a lot more like a family project of The Chicago and Yordan Bonev.

Yet, one thing remains unclear - who is really behind this project as initial suspicions and the subsequent behavior of the "activists" of "Freedom" speak loudly that their retribution brigades play a role from which quite different factors benefit behind the scenes.
